About Policies and Circulars

The college has well established systems and procedures for maintaining and utilizing physical, academic and support facilities. The Principal- Cum-secretary of the GB takes care of all the assets of the college. He is the overall in-charge of all the facilities and co-ordinates the same through the different Committees and Heads of Departments, Administrative staffs, Laboratory attendants, Librarians and Library Assistants. The classrooms/seminar halls the college premises are cleaned by the support staffs regularly. Any furniture repair needed is attended by the carpenter immediately. The proper and optimal use of electric lights /fans projectors /ACs is ensured. The routine activities of the library are managed by the librarian with the help of library assistance. The college has a vast playground which is utilized by the staffs and the students as well for the regular physical exercises and annual sports of the college. The playground, gymnasium, sports infrastructure are under the custody and monitoring of the committee comprised of senior faculty members, PET and coaches of the physical education department. The staffs of the computer science department are in charge of maintaining the IT facilities. The computer laboratories and Networking Resource Center (NRC) are also available to staffs and students for their benefits. The repair/up-gradation and purchase hardware and software are also taken care of by the management system and administrative team. The internet and LAN facilities are also fully functional and are properly maintained and monitored by the staffs of the computer Science Department. In case of any requirement of the department, Heads request to the principal and the requirement are procured promptly by the purchase committee

Kendrapara Autonomous College (From 2024 onwards)

Anti Harasment Cell_20230210         
Circular on Restriction of Automobile        
Code of Conduct        
Divyangjan-friendly and barrier-free environment        
Guideline for GRC_20230210         
Guideline for Micro-Teaching_20230210         
Guidelines for Value Added Course        
Guidline for Conducting Remedial_20230210        
Guildline for FGD_20230210        
Policy For Evaluation Process and Reforms        
Professional Ethics        
Research Promotion Policy        
sexual harassment and greivance